
Intentional Design for Beautiful Spaces

erie, Co


Industry Trends

Wallpapers Trending Now

July 16, 2024

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The Power of Texture

Fav Wallpapers Trending Now

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Over the past few years wallpaper has made quite the comeback.  It is seen on the covers of magazines, commonly used in design as a focal wall, art, mural, or as an entire room application.  And yes, there are some that look like the wallpaper we have seen in the past but the innovation in application and style has changed quite dramatically.  Did you know there are even wallpapers that are scratch and sniff or that have hidden images you can only see with a black light?

In this post we are going to share our favorite suppliers, lines and wallpapers that are on trend now.  The descriptions are things we like about these lines and of course they offer so much more than what we can tell you here so go check out their websites as well.  Picking a few by each designer to showcase was hard to say the least.

I should note we are not sponsored by any of them although we would be thrilled to be.  We are going to start out bold and then go into more traditional options that you are probably more used to seeing. 

Flavor Paper

This paper is an artist dream and makes us smile every time we browse their products.  Our favorite patterns are bold.  Shown below is a mural enhanced by black light, a wallpaper with photographic images made into a pattern (look close do you see the people?), an artist’s intriguing exploration of the human face and lastly a scratch and sniff option.

Abnormals Anonymous

They clearly have fun with pattern from geometric shapes, floral, bugs, you name it even popcorn.  They talk about mood boosting, covering your walls with happy and their brand exudes this. 

Rose Phillips

Another fun art forward paper that is modern but classic to stand the test of time. The colors in the poppy print are whimsical and vibrant and available in different colorways which are so pretty that we are going to show two of them.

These Walls

We love the vertical and horizontal repeats they offer.  The “imperfections” in the patterns make it feel like you had someone paint these details on your walls. 

Mitchel Black

Our favorites from Mitchel Black add both shape and texture to walls.  There are some really fun papers in this line as well such as tiny skiers. 


This is a removable wallpaper line that works perfect for ever changing rooms. Specifically, we love to use these in nurseries, playrooms, kid rooms or other spaces that can handle these trendy designs.  Their product is also texture wall compatible. 

Edie Ure

Not only does nature shine in Edie Ure wallpapers it is also organic and sustainable.  This has become a very important requirement from many of our customers looking at wallpaper.  It is also located down the street from us in Boulder, Colorado.

Kelly Ventura

This is our favorite vendor for floral wallpaper; there are brush strokes and watercolor smudges.  When applied it is truly a work of art.  

Emma Hayes

These textiles are serene and peaceful yet modern and bold.  They have a mural feel to them that is approachable to all of our clientele. 

Twenty2 Grasscloth

The variation in texture, colors and weave is more than we could ask for in one line and the quality is incredible.  

Also, we would like to give a shoutout to our favorite source for wallpaper. WallTawk in Denver is a wallpaper boutique and design consultancy located in a stunning historic home that showcases a variety of wallpapers. 

Please let us know if you need help pulling wallpaper into your home.  We would love to show you our library of samples or make an appointment in a showroom to show you everything available right now. 

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Intentional Design for Beautiful Spaces

erie, Co
