This post is to help our clients understand the wall prep process and why it may be required for your installation. Most installers will visit the site to examine the walls before committing to wallpaper installation. They may require the walls to be patched, sanded, skim-coated (to smooth the texture), or primed. For example, they will most likely require skim coating and priming with an orange peel texture. Some installers read through the wallpaper guidelines to determine the requirements, and some won’t install it any other way.
This is to ensure the result meets everyone’s expectations. If wallpaper is installed incorrectly, there may be noticeable wall texture underneath, old paint showing through depending on the colour, an opportunity for holes or tearing to occur where there are nooks and crannies, the wallpaper may not fully adhere, and it is harder to uninstall later. Yes, it is harder to uninstall later if it is not properly installed. Wallpaper is intended to come down in full sheets and not be the horror stories we have all heard or lived through previously.
Also, while we know some wallpapers do not require your wall to be prepped, most professional installers will still require it. Let us know if you have any questions about wallpaper installation. Also, our clients will receive additional resources regarding what to expect before, during and after the installation is completed.
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